Growthpoint (GRT) FY24 – Results Snapshot

Distribution per share decreased 10% to 117.1c.
Distributable income per share (DIPS) decreased 10% to 141.9c.
Total cost of funding increased 16.2% due to higher interest rates.
SA REIT NAV per share decreased 6.1% to R20.20.
Growthpoint Investment Partners AUM grew R0.1bn to R18bn.
Group SA REIT LTV increased from 40.1% to 42.3%.
Group vacancies improved from 9.4% to 8.3%.
Interest cover ratio decreased from 3.1X to 2.41X.
Disposed of 17 properties in SA for R907.7m.
Group property assets decreased from R179.8bn to R174.7bn.
Offshore assets decreased from 44.3% to 40.7%.
Offshore DIPS as a % of total DIPS increased 3.3% to 32.4%.
Fair value adjustments for the year were negative R5.96bn.