Hyprop (HYP) FY24 – Results Snapshot

Distribution per share decreased from 299.3c to 280c.
Distributable income R1.41bn.
DIPS decreased from 405.2c to 370.4c.
SA REIT LTV ratio up from 36.1% to 37.7%.
Cash on balance sheet decreased to R0.78bn.
Retail vacancies in SA up from 1.2% to 1.8%.
Retail vacancies rate in EE down from 0.4% to 0.1%.
NAV per Share decreased from R63.39 to R60.32.
Tenant turnover in SA and EE increased 5.1% and 10%, respectively.
R500m raised through DRIP in FY23.
Binding sale agreements signed in August 2024 for the entire SSA portfolio, with limited number of CPs outstanding.